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North Fork Meat Co.

Local meat... done your way

Specialists in humane, on-farm slaughter :: Tri-cities VA/TN custom butchering

Slaughterhouse-free, single-origin meat

We travel to the farm, processing your animal in the same environment they were born and raised in.  We feel that zero-stress, humane slaughter leads to an optimal product.

Zero-stress ordering

Here you can investigate our methods, shop local farmers, decide on your preferred cuts, and finalize your order - all 100% online. *


Connections to great farmers

Located in Bristol, VA, we are your most direct link to the highest-quality, locally-sourced pork and beef.  You will purchase directly from our partner farm families.

Summer 2023 - price reduction

After a year in business, we are lowering our prices, while others are raising theirs!  Have a look at our beef and pork pricing.

Why we believe in mobile slaughter

Low-anxiety, healthy animals are happy animals... and a high-quality end product comes from a low stress life and death.

We think that to complete a well rounded, nurturing life cycle, we must respect the animal's social nature, and keep them in their comfortable and familiar settings.

While more expensive upfront, the convenience of on-location slaughter for farm owners also represents a drastic reduction in the time and cost from what can otherwise be a stressful day.

Working in everyone's home environment, we want to build enjoyable relationships with farmers and consumers - our favorite part of business, and a wonderful motivation.

We think doing it our way is best - for everyone!

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you.  Reach us by phone: 276-207-8551

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